808, Inc. — A Live-Action and Animation Studio

Part of an ongoing series of commercials produced by 808. In these comedic spots, preparing Success Rice is so easy it can go to your head.


With ad agency Ninth Wonder, we collaborated to plus the boards for a fun Success Rice campaign, developing creative solutions for three complex spots that could be executed in a single shoot day. No bears, dogs or yoga moms were harmed during production.

Director: Robert Campbell


In our latest project, we faced the challenge of integrating our hero character with a live action bear, a task that required precise visual effects compositing. To achieve this, we filmed the actor separately using a blue screen to capture the best performance without risking any close encounters. Our team then meticulously aligned the lighting and shadows to harmonize the two elements, ensuring that the bear’s imposing features and our hero’s dynamic movements felt seamless together. With careful attention to detail, we brought the scenes to life, making a striking shot that helps bring our story together.
